Winter on the Adriatic Coast
February 14, 2022
Ambience of Ambassador Cruise Line has Arrived to Bar
April 5, 2022Spring is always time for change, for rebirthing of nature and beauty. It’s time when nature wakes up after the winter sleep and slowly shows its hidden beauty. It’s an inspiring time when everything blossoms and prepares for the best days to come. Of course, on the coast, there are certain features and unique moments that you might witness. Let’s discover them.
Advantages of Spring on the coast:
- At rainy days everything doesn’t look depressing as the water is inspiring itself. It’s not like between numerous buildings, more nature is around. You have a chance to connect to the energy of water and feel the beauty from within the awakening nature.
- Since there is almost never snow on the coast, there are no melting ices on the roads, so it’s safer and more appealing.
- Spring comes earlier on the coast as the average temperature is higher. So you can witness flowers and blossoming trees earlier, feel the warmth earlier.
- If you live on the coast, more possible you will start swimming already at spring as the temperature often allows to feel the warmth of the air and the sea water.
- There are less rains on spring so more days to enjoy walks and the beauty around. Days gets longer so everything helps to connect with nature.
- Since the temperature is higher, you often wear lighter clothes and don’t need to spend much to warmer your house. At sunny days it’s so hot at days, so you can feel almost like summer. But with the sun getting down it brings coldness so you have a chance to witness the difference of the seasons.
If you’re not prepared, there could be a very few challenges on spring. But I would say they are not really related to the coastline, but rather to the season. So there are no really tough challenges on spring that you must know. So what I could mention, are just some features:
- The country is surrounded by mountains, so it needs to have some warmer clothes for evening and night time especially if it seems the days are very warm. Nights are often much colder.
- Most often flats and houses don’t have a general heating so it needs to consider when you rest or by an accommodation. How would it feel, which types of heating does it have.
- Days would be really hot so if you’re not prepared, you should take care of your skin and body, get an appropriate clothes and cover your skin to protect from the sun which gets more dangerous closer to the summer.
In general, spring is a perfect time for travels and for beautiful walks. It’s time to enjoy nature, see how it’s changing, getting pretty clothes, how it awakes with the sun and welcomes every adventurer. When you’re prepared, you you get maximum for every trip and every adventure you’re taking. Enjoy the season on the coast!