Albatros Nudist Beach
February 9, 2022
Spring on the Adriatic Coast
March 24, 2022Winter might be pretty tough time in Europe. When it might seem that winter is time for cold, windy days and grey rains, it looks different on the Adriatic coast. Let’s find out about those features that make life on the coast unique.
Advantages of winter time on the coast:
- First of all, of course, it’s a magic of winter holidays – Christmas and Near Year season. Everything looks festive, people decorate coastline, palms next to the beaches, nearby cafes, houses and everything gets its Christmas magic.
- Sunsets look pretty awesome, especially winter clouds add special colors to the main landscape sunset view.
- For all sea and nature lovers, as well as all those people who love meditate around the sea in silence, winter is a perfect time to enjoy empty beaches, big and powerful waves that make you feel thee one with the water and nature. You can easily find a place by the sea for your own enjoyment and to feel the connection with the sea.
- Winter might have more rainy days and it’s a huge advantage because there are more chances to catch the rainbow. As well as low clouds over thee sea give you a fantastic opportunity to see a perfect reflection of the sky on the sea. Low clouds might hide parts of mountains around creating a really incredible views. It’s a truly divine time for artists and anyone who needs to get an inspiration and feel the blessing of life.
- When it’s cold outside, you can really feel the coziness of the fireplace in the house. Watching the fire and feeling its warmth brings you a feeling of love and beauty of the season.
- Snow is a very rare guest on the coast. So if you’re lucky to see the snow on the coast, it’s like you’re blessed with the touch of God. Lost often you can experience the rain on the coast when it’s snowing on the mountains. What I personally love, when I go outside in the morning after the rain and see white peaks of mountains around that look really amazing. It’s when you see how beautiful life is and our planet as well!
But there could be also some difficulties or challenges you might face living on the coast.
Difficulties at winter on the coast:
- Winter has more rainy days than at other seasons. But of course, it’s an opportunity to use this time for spending it at home, with family, or concentrate on work or learning, etc. Everyone can change this to advantage with the right perception.
- At winter you might notice that there are more tides on the beaches and beaches don’t look pretty as all the garbage appears on the coast.
- The waves are bigger than at other seasons and the beaches and coastline becomes narrower. So it makes walking along the beach a bit more difficult and not so pretty.
- Winds are much stronger at winter. And winds make you feel much colder, colder if you were among the snow with much lower temperature. That’s why it’s not so pleasant to walk outside at windy days. It also makes you be more careful and don’t leave any stuff outside and wind could be very strong and dangerous.
- At rainy cold day the road could be very dangerous and slippery so it’s better don’t drive at rainy cold day to avoid any dangerous situations on the roads.
As you can see, everyone can find what they might like and expect living or traveling to the coast. And if you’re aware of certain situations and difficulties, you might prepare yourself to them and really enjoy the season fully, getting maximum of it. And when you open yourself to these beauty, you might discover own miracles and something unique, inspired and really awesome. Winter is a really amazing time for traveling and enjoying its every day, living each experience and being grateful for its beauty you’re able to witness.