Logos Hope

November 4, 2022
Events on Logos Hope in Portonovi

Meet the World Show 2 in Portonovi

A beautiful show “Meet the World” introduces some of the crew’s nationalities and cultures in a fun, artistic and engaging way. The show will take a […]
November 4, 2022
Events on Logos Hope in Portonovi

Meet the World Show in Portonovi

A beautiful show “Meet the World” introduces some of the crew’s nationalities and cultures in a fun, artistic and engaging way. The show will take a […]
November 4, 2022
Events on Logos Hope in Portonovi

The greatest treasure show2 in Portonovi

The greatest treasure is a fun and beautiful event for kids that will take a place on Logos Hope ship. The entrance is free. There will […]
November 4, 2022
Events on Logos Hope in Portonovi

The greatest treasure show in Portonovi

The greatest treasure is a fun and beautiful event for kids that will take a place on Logos Hope ship. The entrance is free. There will […]
October 18, 2022
prayer night

Prayer night at Logos Hope

Come and be part of this night of worship and prayer for Montenegro. This event will take a part on the biggest bookstore ship in the […]
October 18, 2022
the greatest treasure

The greatest treasure show in Bar

The greatest treasure is a fun and beautiful event for kids that will take a place on Logos Hope ship. The entrance is free. There will […]
October 18, 2022
the greatest treasure

The greatest treasure in Bar

The greatest treasure is a fun and beautiful event for kids that will take a place on Logos Hope ship. The entrance is free. There will […]
October 18, 2022
meet the world

Meet the World Show 2 in Bar

A beautiful show “Meet the World” introduces some of the crew’s nationalities and cultures in a fun, artistic and engaging way. The show will take a […]
October 18, 2022
meet the world

Meet the World Show in Bar

A beautiful show “Meet the World” introduces some of the crew’s nationalities and cultures in a fun, artistic and engaging way. The show will take a […]