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June 11, 2021
Beautiful sunset. Valdanos Viewpoint
Valdanos Viewpoint
June 24, 2021

Almara Beach Club

Almara Beach Club is a pretty nice new beach in a Lustica Peninsula. It is a modern club for young people mostly. It has a good beach bar, they offer parties and lounge zone with beautiful modern sunbeds and regular sunbeds on different levels.

A long pier goes into the sea allowing take a good walk and explore the sea world. There is everything needed for a perfect rest by the sea - changing rooms, toilets, private lounges and nice entrance into the sea. You can call to the club earlier and get your free parking space. In order case it will be pretty hard to find free parking space. The beach itself isn't big. It is located not very far from biggest cities - Budva, Kotor, Tivat but if you're not traveling by car, it will be pretty hard to reach it without any vehicle. But it is surrounded by pure nature and you can find even some privacy around.
  • Very beautiful Almara Beach Club beach bar lounge zone
  • Parking near Almara Beach Club
  • Cozy area of Almara Beach Club
  • Beautiful Almara Beach Club sea mountains view
  • Almara Beach Club wonderful area
  • Almara Beach Club beach bar
  • Beautiful sea and mountains on Almara Beach Club
  • Beach bar at Almara Beach Club
  • Almara Beach Club lounge zone
  • Sunbeds and umbrellas on Almara Beach Club
  • Almara Beach Club resting area
  • Almara Beach Club pier and background mountains
  • Almara Beach Club pier on the sea
  • Almara Beach Club stones and umbrellas
  • Almara Beach Club pier and umbrellas
  • Almara Beach Club misty mountains on the background
  • Almara Beach Club on Lustica peninsula
  • Almara Beach Club beautiful sea
  • Almara Beach Club fantastic Riviera view
  • Almara Beach Club new beach